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Petites joueuses
françois chaignaud

Representations on November 4th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th and 16th 2024 at the Musée du Louvre, as part of the Festival d’Automne à Paris

“With Petites joueuses, the dancer and choreographer François Chaignaud takes us on an immersive and continuous journey through the Louvre Médiéval : mutant and resonating creatures take over its fortifications, and form a disturbing carnival of forms, songs and unreasonable, mischievous or untamed figures.

©2024 Musée du Louvre : Florence Brochoire

Little player : this pejorative term, synonym of cowardice and a lack of ambition, has been appropriated by choreographer François Chaignaud in order to subvert its meanings, like a manifesto : to assert, through singularity, insolence and the lightness of bodies, a different way of occupying space, while blurring the semantic field of greatness attached to the consecrated place of Art. Little players performing continuously in the ‘Grand Louvre’, inventing their own rules, thwarting codes, introducing trouble, play, equivocation – deflating the authoritative effects of this huge exhibition machine. Taking the Louvre by the back, this community of performers reveals the archaeological layers of the medieval Louvre; one by one, each visitor discovers its foundations, its moats, its hidden strata, gaining access to a living organism, exhaling, rustling, populated by serious or comical figures. Like a prologue to the exhibition Figure du Fou, which explores the subversive value of the insane in medieval society, Petites joueuses acts as a counterpoint, a singing nave – a hullabaloo of voices, sounds and attitudes, affirming the centrality of the margin.”

Text written by Gilles Amalvi for the 2024 edition of the Festival d’Automne

©2024 Musée du Louvre : Florence Brochoire


François Chaignaud
Esteban Appeseche, Cécile Banquey, Marie-Pierre Brébant, François Chaignaud, Samuel Famechon, Florence Gengoul, Pierre Morillon, Cassandre Muñoz, Marie Picaut, Alan Picol, Antoine Roux-Briffaud, Maryfé Singy, Ryan Veillet
Baudouin Woehl
artistic collaboration
Marie-Pierre Brébant, Alan Picol
Musical direction assistance
Romain Brau
Abigail Fowler
light conception
Alejandra Garcia
wardrobe mistress
Mandorle productions (Chloé Perol, Jeanne Lefèvre, Emma Forster)
administration - production - national distribution
co-production & production

& production


Musée du Louvre, Festival d’Automne à Paris.

mandorle productions

Mandorle productions is subsidized by the Ministère de la Culture (DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) and the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
François Chaignaud is an associate artist at Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse as well as the Maison de la danse and the Biennale de la danse de Lyon.


La Ménagerie de Verre (residency), CN D Centre national de la Danse (residency), résidence en simple prêt at the Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne.

Fusalp accompanies costume design

Senkys accompanies the scenography